

by Victor Eskew

The title of our post this morning is the title of a new movie that came out last night. There has been very little hype about this movie. Why? Because it involves Planned Parenthood and abortion.

The movie is just under 2 hours long. It stars Ashely Bratcher, Brooks Ryan, Robia Scott, and Jared Lotz. The movie carries an “R” rating. They say that it is rated “R” due to the bloody scenes in the movie. I have seen as much blood, however, on evening television shows.

The movie involves a period of time in the life of a young woman named Abby Johnson. She becomes one of the youngest women to ever become a director of a Planned Parenthood Clinic. The movie details her experiences as she climbs the ladder from volunteer to director. It reveals some of the things that happened to Abby that ultimately led to her resigning from non-profit corporation to join the fight against abortion.

Her experiences involve:

1. An abortion she had at a clinic.

2. A second abortion that she went through at her home. It lasted 22 hours. The pain continued for some 2 weeks.

3. A friend who came close to dying at the clinic where she worked.

4. The lies that were told to the women who came to clinic.

5. The pressure that was put on the women who came to the clinic in order for them not to change their minds.

6. Seeing the “profit motive” involved in this non-profit. Abortion is where they “make their money.”

7. The callous attitudes of the administration and doctors who work at the clinics.

8. The change of the rules to allow women to get abortions later in their pregnancies.

9. The anger and threats that were brought against employees who questioned anything said or done by their superiors.

10. The cover-ups when things went wrong so there was no bad publicity brought upon the Planned Parenthood organization.

11. Her viewing an actual abortion taking place, seeing it on an ultrasound.

The movie is an eye-opener to those who do not really seen anything wrong with abortion. For those of us who already oppose abortion, it only solidifies the evil of the practice.

The Bible says that one of the things that God hates, in fact, is an abomination unto Him, are hands that shed innocent blood (Prov. 6:16-19).

Dear readers, there is nothing more innocent and more helpless than an infant in his/her mother’s womb. The hands that shed that blood are not innocent. Those who support the practice of abortion, whether by voice or vote, are not innocent. Abortion is a barbaric practice that involves the murder of innocent children, children whom God is forming in the womb at the time of their death.

Some will say: “But it’s the law of the land.” Yes, it is man’s law. This man-made law opposes the law of God. And God’s law is always superior to man’s law (See Acts 4:18-20; 5:27-29). Abortion is a blight upon our society. Christians need to rise and call for and end of the slaughter of innocent children in our land.